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Customer Testimonials

Jessie understands the strength athlete. I have personally received more work from Jessie than any other therapist. She is an amazing clinician... She has the expertise to get you out of pain fast.

Dr.Fred Clary, DC, DIBCN

The first person I call when I come to the Twin Cities is Jessie. She is the best therapist I have ever had. She is Ultra professional and understands how to "read your body" in order to address every area of concern. When I was an assistant coach at the University of Minnesota, I made sure that a session with Jessie was part of my weekly routine... It was the best I had or have ever felt.

Carey Bailey, Assistant Head Football Coach, Lamar University

Jessie has a very thorough understanding of what athletes put their bodies through and how to approach the specific issues they have. The release work she does is fantastic and has improved my shoulder mobility and comfort immensely. I trust Jessie to enhance my healing and improve my performance with her skillful technique and in-depth knowledge of massage modalities.

Amy Simmer,

Minnesotas Strongest Woman, Nemesis Powerlifting

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